Education, Weddings

June 24, 2022

Wittmer Photography Brides’ Dresses 2021

I thought it would be fun to do a blog post of all my brides’ dresses each year. This is from 2021. Hopefully I can do one again the beginning of 2023 for all my wonderful brides this year (2022).

I hope this inspires all of you soon-to-be brides since choosing your dress can be a little overwhelming. I can’t wait to look back on blog posts like this, and compare styles, ten years down the road! 🙂

I always think my brides’ dresses are beautiful! I can never decide if I like plain and simple, or classy and elegant the best. If I were to choose a dress right now, I think it would definitely include a lace overlay on the bodice, and possibly a simple overlay that twirls nicely for the skirt!

What style would you choose if you were to get married tomorrow?
