
June 16, 2021

Jonathan & Andrea

Jonathan and Andrea had a very very hot June day for their wedding. It was 90 degrees and the humidity was so high, it felt like you could hardly breathe! Fortunately they live in Florida, which means they are accustomed to hot summer temperatures, and it didn’t seem to dampen their spirits at all! I don’t think I heard Jonathan complain one time about being hot in his suit and tie!

The Gastholf is a “village” nestled just north of Montgomery, IN. There was a nice willow tree there that provided enough shade for us to capture a few photos with a soft romantic look, and than there was the nice looking barn and white fence that provided a beautiful backdrop for the rest of their photos. I really loved the spaciousness of the area with the beautiful “farm” look in the country, but still on the edge of town. We didn’t have far at all to drive to the church.

Jonathan and Andrea met at Pensacola College in FL. Andrea decided to make that her home, and Jonathan is still studying down there and is from there. Andrea said she really likes the beach, and I’m with her 100% on that! They both love people and they took lots of time to speak to each of their guests. They requested lots of pictures of their guests because they want to remember all the faces that came to help them celebrate. Their selflessness was amazing! One of the highlights of the reception was the song that they sang together. They wrote the song themselves and Jonathan whistled through parts of it. It was a fun song and all the guests enjoyed it immensely!

The decor was simple but beautiful. I always think that a little splash of color with some greenery and neutrals always go a long way, and this was the case again for this wedding. The splash of pink in Andrea’s bouquet and on the wedding cake represents this concept really well! Also, try looking at the cupcakes without letting your mouth water. 🙂

I felt honored to be your photographer, Jonathan and Andrea! Marriage is a beautiful thing, and my prayer is that your love for Jesus will draw your hearts closer together! May the “Love Coupons”(see final image) be valid for the entirety of your marriage!

Love coupons are such a neat idea!